Wednesday, October 29, 2014

To All The Theists And Believers Of An Afterlife

Many organisms can predict the future.
Hence the reason why a horse will stop at the edge of a cliff, because it knows it will fall and die. It may not understand, but it knows.

We humans, are so intelligent, that we can predict far-far into the future.

So far, that we know, we will die.

I can just imagine, the first couple of humans to come across such an existential concept.

To realize that no matter how much you eat, no matter how many predators you escape, no matter how strong you are.

You. Will. Die.

The idea that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try. You and every one you ever loved or ever known, will die.

Must have been psychologically unbearable to these first minds.

Instead of these first humans excepting such a truth.

They instead think, "no..i don't, I just go somewhere else, to some far off place. Where me, and every one I ever loved, will never die. There will be plenty of food, water, no threat of predators, just pure utter comfort. We will be happy...forever."

Friday, October 17, 2014

Corporate Transhumanism

A new kind of corporation is coming, a corporation that expands in all directions, and strives to continue to ever advance in technology.

A perfect example of this, is continuously shown in the actions of my favorite corporation, Google.

Google started off as a small search engine company, with the simple goal of organizing the internet.

This has changed now, Google now takes on Innovative world changing projects.

A few of these projects are:

Image result for google carGoogle car, this car is completely automated, it has sensors that can look forwards, backwards, left and right all at the same time. It does not get distracted, drunk, or make rash decisions. This car truly has the potential to completely revolutionize transportation. It has the potential to drastically decrease accidents, and it has the potential to completely do away with traffic.

Project Loon, in this project, Google wants to send helium balloons into the air. With the end goal to make internet completely ubiquitous,and free for all.

Do i even need to mention the potential world changing benefits this project has? There are still over 4 billion people on this planet who do not have access to internet. Think about the disruptive effects it will have on the world economy, when everyone has internet? Think about the disruptive effects it will have on world governments, a good example of this would be Arab spring.
Related image

Google glasses, is a big leap towards augmented reality, which will likely be the next big medium for entertainment, and telecommunications. The potential effects augmented reality will have on the world, i think can be best show in this short sci fi film.

There are many other examples, such as Google's work with solar powered planes, that have the potential to never have to land, or their work with drones that can deliver packages far more efficiently than how it is done today.

Anyway, you get the point.

Google is no longer satisfied with just organizing the internet, Google wants to organize the World.

Google is the perfect example of Corporate Transhumanism, but they are not the only example.

Facebook, which started out as a simple popular social media site, is oddly enough, beginning to practice Corporate Transhumanism. Shown in their acquisition of Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset. Virtual Reality is another technology that has the potential to disrupt societal norms. It will likely become the new medium of entertainment, allowing people to go to other worlds, experience epic fantasies, and over all do things that they could never do in reality.

The future of transhumanism, lies in the actions of corporations, It is due to these entities, and the fact that they all strive to compete to stay on top. That the future we transhumanist dream of, will come to fruition.

Competition = progress

Friday, September 26, 2014

Idea to improve neural networks

Neural networks are a way of programming, or better, a way of computation that resembles the way your brain works.

Its is a method of programming that has shown to be very useful. I honestly think that neural networks could be the future of all, if not most computation.

Right now, neural networks are used only for things such as image recognition, mapping patterns. Overall used in a way that require you only to train the network, because apparently that is the only way to use them. This statement as you may have realized, foreshadows the main point/idea i am trying to get across.

 So, as i said before, neural networks resemble the brain, this means just like brain, we do not entirely understand how they work. I also mentioned, that a better way of referring to neural networks, is as computation, rather than programming.

The reason why i say this, is because of the fact that they resemble the brain. It may even be appropriate to go so far as to say, they are the brain. And that by playing with neural networks, we are playing with what makes you, you.

The brain, is a computer, very much like the one i am using to record this information now. But with this computer, which is comprised of transistors rather than neurons. I can program it to do things such as, play video, do mathematical calculations, or do what i am doing right now. But most importantly, i can make this computer do what i think is the greatest thing you can do with any computer. That thing, is run simulations, the very process of recreating reality, such as the physics of a ball dropping.

My idea, is a fairly simple one, yet at the same time, profound (at least to me). What if you could do on neural networks what we do now with transistor based computers? What if you could run a simulation on a neural net? I don't entirely know why, but it seems as if the way neurons work, is the best way to run a simulation. I mentioned this before in my idea to compute information in a new way. Which turned out to be neural networks, just in hardware form.

Now i know we can run simulations with neurons, i do it all the time, at least i think i do. I can imagine a ball dropping, when coming up with my ideas, i imagine them and all their parts. Nikolai Tesla used to do the same thing, so well that he would imagine every single part that makes up his machines before he even started to build them. He would then build them to the exact specifications in his head, and they would work just like he imagined. How he used his ability to imagine, is just like how we use simulations on computers. To do things before we do them, allowing for error without the consequences.

Now, i have no idea how to make neural networks do as i have mentioned. But i do have some ideas as to how to begin to understand neural networks, which would then allow us to do as i have mentioned. It also would bring us closer to understanding how the brain works.

My idea to further our understanding of neural networks, is to play with them. What i mean by that, is to turn individual neurons off and on at your will, play with what they connect to, and watch the outcome.

This leads me to another idea, a new way to program neural networks. Right now programming a neural network consists of tediously, and in my opinion boringly righting down lines of code.
My idea is to change that, to the point where you are visually connecting and turning on artificial neurons. Looking something along the lines of whats shown in the GIF.

The first step is learning how to create them by hand, or better, if we can.

I have devised a test in my head, train a neural net to recognize patterns. Then make a blank neural net, and copy all the connections of the first net on to the blank one by hand.

If the one made by hand, does not work, then there is a problem, a big, mysterious one. It would mean that there is more to the brain and to computation than simply the connections and the neural activity. But what made the connections, and the neural activity.

If the net does work, then we play with it. Randomly disconnect one of the neurons from another, and see the effects. 

I think the latter is far more likely, I also hope it is the case (though the first option does seem fun as we'll)

In my experience, when people talk of neural networks, they always talk of mapping, never the neural activity.

I think it is possible for two neural networks to have the same connections, yet have different outcomes, due to different neural activity.

I feel as neural activity, especially in simulations, is the important factor.

where programming a neural network to do what we do on transistor based computers. lies directly in turning neurons on and off in specific patterns.

I almost feel as if in a simulation, the connections the neurons have would describe the somewhat static parts of the world, such as the ground, and the ball.

while the neural activity would describe the movement of the ball.

The neural connections would describe the landscape, while the neural activity would describe your movement through the landscape.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Brain to synthesizer interface

I have been thinking about this idea for quite sometime. Especially during the times i would play the piano at my school. I could always hear the intricate symphony in my head, but it would never fully come out right when attempted to play. The times when i could find the keys to play what i could hear in my head. I would always find that i simply did not have enough fingers to play it. I kinda of always wished that i could just think the sounds into existence.

Well it turns out that wish is not too far fetched.

First you can interface your brain with things, not that difficult, nor too expensive.

Though the technology is still not that "accurate".

The idea itself is to program a neural interface headset with a synthesizer. Imagine, anyone, even a child, able to play instruments such as the violin beautifully and precisely, with little to no training. This technology would be the final blow to making instruments completely obsolete.

Anyone could make music, where you not just play one instrument, but multiple. All perfectly synced harmonically, all played by you, and only you.

This would be such a disruptive technology to the music industry. That i feel it would look much differently in the near future, than how it looks today.

I think this wish to simply have music play from the mind, is a wish that great composers have always dream't of. Shown in the tradition of directing music, when in reality, no directing is really needed. Bands do just find without one, and if directing was really needed. I think there are far more effective and accurate ways of doing that, than to have a man stand up waving his arms.

I think with directing, what the composers truly wanted, was to simply close their eyes. And to then have all the sounds they had built up in their head, play at the wave of their hand. As if the sounds were emerging from their very finger tips.

With this technology, this will become a reality.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Objective Rationality

Before reading this, i recommend you read these two blog posts i wrote.

Emotions do not make us

I have been developing this philosophy i call, “Rational Objectivism”. It encompasses all my previous posts on rationality, such as the ones linked above. And some posts I will make in the future, such as "Rational Selfishness".

If you have read some of my posts, you would realize that i prize rationality. That I look at it with utmost importance in any interaction. That I realize that our ability to rationalize at a high level, is the very thing that differentiates us from the other organisms of this planet.

I also prize the objective, the truth. I could careless about your subjective views, your beliefs. 
If i point a loaded gun to your head, and pull the trigger, it matters not how much you subjectively believe bullets do not exist. You're gonna get bullet in your head. This is the power of truth.

The truth is unaffected by yours, or anyone else's views. It needs no one to recognize it as true, to be, true.

The problem i have been tackling, is whether it is possible to have a goal that is objective, and that is rational. 

I know it is possible to have a goal that is entirely irrational. Such as wanting to kill a person due to anger. But at the same time, i know it is possible to rationalize the best route to accomplish said goal.

For example, the person you want kill could be armed. So running at him with a knife is not a viable option. You also probably do not want to get caught. So maybe the best option, is to buy a large syringe, fill it with air. Wait for the perfect moment, maybe outside his house. Then jam the syringe in his throat, injecting all the air inside, into his vein, eventually causing a massive heart attack. I just rationalized towards this goal so well, that i have effectively eliminated most if not all chances of being caught. Yet this goal, is irrational. 

So is it possible to have a goal that is rational, Not controlled by mere instinct?
Is it also possible for this objective, to be Objective?

A goal that is not subjective, not an opinion. This means everyone has to have been following the goal, whether they know it or not.

I have come to the conclusion that yes, there is something that everyone follows, not just everyone, but every living thing. That something, is anti-entropy. Every single living thing strives to reach a state of greater and greater complexity.

Another thing that all anti entropic forces strive to acquire, is power.

Power = control

Every single living thing strives toward control.

Control, is literally being able to control the movement of matter that makes up and surrounds your organization. 

You do not need a nervous system (brain) to control matter.

Cells control matter (albeit a small amount).

At one point, simple muscle mass, was enough to suffice.

It allowed organisms to move and hold things at their will.

Yes survival is the goal of organisms, but the derivative of that goal is control. In order to survive, you must be able to physically control the matter around you, and the matter that forms you, to retain your organization.

One thing that greatly determines control, is your ability to perceive and understand, the world around you.

Hence the reason why humans have so much power.

The strive for control (power) is deeply ingrained in our very nature.

Not by instinct, but by simple process, by what we are, by the fact that we are life, An ever advancing anti-entropic force.

Everyone strives for control, Everyone, even a person who says they do not want control, strives for at least enough control over matter, to say those very words. 

The strive for power, is an inescapable, inherent function of life, and possibly all anti-entropic forces (if there exists anti-entropic forces outside of life. Though anti-entropy could be an appropriate, if not the only appropriate definition for life. If so, this would mean that stars are "alive" as we'll).

Advancing such, is simply what life has always been trying to do since it's fruition.

More proof to back up my statement that all anti-entropic forces want control.

This link will take you to a ted talk by Alex wissner-gross. Its about a new equation for intelligence, and for the first time, provides a solid definition as to what intelligence really is. 

The definition is something along the lines of: Intelligence is Behavior a system that tends to maximize the possible future states of that system.

It is essentially saying, that intelligence tries to acquire as much control of a situation as possible.

One person once asked me.

 "What's your evidence for the force that makes everything grow in complexity? I gave the example of archaea and bacteria species, that haven't grown in complexity for a few billion years."

My response was.

“Life is a whole system, you're looking at only the bacteria, and ignoring all of the other parts of whole system such as the fact that bacteria is related to all other organisms on the planet. This Would not only be a limited view, but would be a false one as we'll.

If you look at life as a whole, you will see that it does in fact grow in complexity. From prokaryotic cells, to eukaryotic cells. From the primitive cerebellum, To the neocortex..

What's even more interesting, is that this self evolving anti-entropic system. Has now created an organism, that has begun another evolution. Technological evolution. And as such, another form of anti-entropy. 

And last, to top it all off. What do you notice as humans advance in technology? We gain more control of our environments, we gain, more power.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A new way to produce electricity

I have an idea that could greatly increase the production of electricity. But I do not have the tools to test it. I was thinking that maybe others with the necessary resources could test it for me.

So, I was looking up how a fusion reactor works. I knew what fusion was, but I wanted to know specifically how you could put together a machine to artificially cause it to occur.

I got something called the tokamak fusion reactor. There are many designs of course, and this design like all others, seemed interesting, new, advanced, futuristic, and best of all, innovative.

What of course baffled me, was how were you going to transfer fusion power, into electricity? Then I saw, that the design of the reactor would make it so that the heat generated by the fusion process would turn water to steam, to then turn a turbine.  

Instantly the thought that struck me was...that seems a bit primitive.

But what's even more interesting, is that EVERY other type of electrical generatoration eventually leads to turning a turbine. 

Wind power = turbine
Hydroelectric dam = turbine
Nuclear fission = turbine
Burning coal = turbine
Nuclear fusion = turbine

I eventually learned how and why turning a turbine produces electricity, and that's because the turbine is connected to a magnet, which turns around a conductive metal rod.

This produces electricity, I guess because it moves electrons??

Anyway my point here, is that we have all of these innovative ways to produce electricity. Yet our energy transfer method has stayed the same since..we'll...the FIRST electrical generator. We are talking Edison and tesla here, Nearly 200 years, it's ridiculous. The ONLY other 
Method, is very new technology that's still trying to be advanced, and that is of course, solar panels.

I've learned over my short life (also due to my intuition), that when you see a lack of advancement in one area. Especially If the area is extremely vital. Yet everything else is advancing greatly around it (nuclear fission/fusion).

That usually means that one, people don't understand it. And two, there are possibly great advancements to be made there.

So I started racking my brain as to a way to produce electricity In a new way.

I didn't get very far...but I did get an idea. The idea still revolves around using a magnet that spins around a metal rod, But it goes a bit further.

I realized that the magnet stays in one place, spinning in that exact same spot.
I of course asked my self. Why? Does a magnet spinning around a piece of metal produce electricity? We'll, what is electricity? Moving electrons. So, the magnet causes electrons to move? 

If so, I have come to the conclusion, that instead of having the magnet spin in the exact same spot. Wouldn't it be more effective to move it forwards as well? (or whatever direction you want the electricity to go towards).

I mean when transferring heat to electricity via turbine, what you are really doing is transferring heat, to kinetic energy, to electrical energy. Which is basically just the kinetic energy of electrons.

So my intuition instantly told me, wouldn't it work A LOT better if you actually moved the magnet as we'll?

I tried thinking of multiple designs where these magnets move around.

One design I came up with, is to completely surround the metal rod in a hollow cylindrical magnet (how it's done now). Then figure out a way to have this metal rod be constantly surrounded by a forward moving possibly spinning cylindrical magnet/magnets. 

My intuition tells me that you would exert greater directional kinetic force on the electrons, and thus produce more electricity this way.

In the picture it shows a turbine generator, which as I pointed out above, is used for EVERY form of electricity generation besides solar. It's also nearly 200 year old technology. 

In this design, The magnet is stationary, and the metal rod spins place. The one I described above, instead has a magnet spinning around the metal rod. But it doesn't matter, both methods produce electricity.

Disregard the turbine while imagining this.
My idea, is to move the magnet along the metal rod in the direction you want the electricity to travel (example, forward), while the magnet is moving along the metal rod in that direction, the magnet or rod also spins. Exerting greater directional kinetic energy onto the electrons, thus converting more kinetic energy into electric energy. And thus increasing the efficiency of the whole system.

I would like to, or someone else, to run a test where you input the same amount of energy into these structurally different electricity generating turbines. Then measure the amount of electricity is produced by each set up.

You would of course have the control, which would be the standard magnet circling a metal rod, then you would have my set up idea.

The main thing is, if this idea succeeds, I think it could greatly increase our production of electricity. This could further help solve our energy problems. 

It also could be highly profitable, but I'm kinda giving up that possibility by posting this online.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Emotions are robotic

Whenever I discuss my view on emotions, that they are no more than instincts. That they are preprogrammed neural connections, Something that was either, formed in the womb, or formed during infancy, not based off of environment, but instead, genetics.

Whenever i discuss my view that we should strive to entirely rid ourselves of such basic instincts, and to attempt to be as rational as possible. 

I always get at least one person saying something along the lines of. "what? You want to be to no different than a mindless robot?".

Here's my response to such people.

So, I had owned a pet snake for nearly 5 years.

Every few weeks I would feed him live mice. I would watch him hunt, and eat them. One time, I dropped mice into his tank, but he did not go after them, he instead, stared at the reflection of the mice, in the mirror behind his tank. I thought, like nearly all animals I had come across, that he would be smart enough to eventually figure it out. But no, he just kept...staring, continously smashing his head up the agaisnt glass. As I think back, I realize how...automated. My snake seemed.

Well, it turns out that most reptiles are indeed automated. After doing some research, I've come to learn that the reptilian brain is very primitive. That it does not, can not, invent new pathways.

This process of forming new connections, is limited to mammals, specifically the neocortex.

The neural connections this reptilian brain holds, are all formed, due to genetics, not Environment. This means, the reptillian brain is all instinct.

Even more interesting, is that when species evolved over time. They did not get rid of the old brain, they simply built ontop of it. This means, that you, and I, both have a part of our brain, that is exactly the same as my snakes.

You see, it is your emotions that are the very thing that make you no different than that of some mere automata 

It is the reason why people are so easily manipulated. Because they are so easily, predictable.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The End Of Privacy

I advocate the complete elimination of privacy.

Not only do i advocate this, but i think this is a future that technology will ultimately take us to, likely sooner than you think. 

Imagine a world where thousands of solar powered planes that never have to land, roam the skies. 

Imagine that each of these solar powered planes, have powerful cameras attached to them

Imagine a world where hundreds of thousands of quadrocopters roam the streets. Each equipped with cameras and sensors that allow for things such as facial recognition, and the ability to detect if the person is holding a weapon.

Effectively replacing the need for police patrolling the streets. Possibly even replacing the need for a police force at all. The quadrocopters would be cheaper, more effective, and safer (police brutality). 

Some of you may be thinking that this will be controlled by some sort of "big brother", or some ominous corrupt government entity.

This will not be the case, the surveillance system, will be completely open. As in, anyone can access it, anyone can view live feed from anyone of the cameras. 

Imagine the major social and societal impact this technology will bring. Anyone, and everyone, can know the exact location and activity of anyone and everyone. Anyone can observe you anywhere, and you can observe them, observing you.  

All crime, would be virtually eliminated. Things like killing, kidnapping, stealing, and rape, would become nonexistent. Corruption in politics, would be completely done away with, because you can observe your politician, at all places, and at all times. 

Because of this technology, institutions such as prisons, would vastly decrease in size. Instead we would likely replace them with mental institutions/rehabilitation centers.

People of the future, would look back on times before the implementation of this technology, and will regard such times (now), as a period of barbarism.

Usually when i talk about this idea, people usually become worried about superficial things such as, the possibility that people may look at them when they are nude. Because of the fact that everyone can do such, we would eventually transcend such things. Nudity, would eventually become something so natural, that when in the face of it, people wouldn't even react/realize it.
This is only one example of the many social issues that we will transcend.

The ideal complete form of this technology, would be so powerful, it would allow one to observe every aspect about ones life. You could pull out your phone, search someones name, and instantly be able see what they are doing, at anywhere, and at anytime. You would even be able know their credit card information, the difference is, you would know, that they know, your credit card information. You would also know, if they ever used it. (This is of course assuming that we still use access codes and not retina and finger scanning, which is another future of technology ex. iPhone 5)

Another interesting consequence of this technology, is that the anti-gun movement, would essentially become obsolete. There would be no need to restrict guns, because everyone is being watched, by everyone.

This technology is already being worked on/already exists. Quadrocopters have been around for years, its just a matter of application. Solar powered drone aircraft, is relatively new technology, but is being worked on. 

Google just recently bought a solar powered drone company called titan aerospace, you can read about it here. (I think Google will be the very entity to implement this technology, just as they have done Google car...Google is the future)

This technology is the future, and will forever change society.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Third person Experiment

So there is this idea i have been thinking about for quite sometime. What if you were to put on VR headset. Then have a quadrocopter with a camera mounted to its bottom, and have it follow you. And then stream the footage from the camera, to the VR headset.

You would have a full third person view of yourself. 

Now you may be thinking, whats the point, what useful application could this ever generate?

My answer to that question is, i don't know. The point of this experiment is not to generate some useful application (though i would like that to be a result).

The point of this experiment, is to expands ones view, ones outlook on the world. Imagine seeing yourself in third person. Imagine thinking moving your left hand, then you see this person out in the distance that the camera is focused on, move their hand. Wouldn't it be mind boggling to see something like that?  

Seriously! As your brain thinks, this other body...moves. 
I think as soon as a person puts this on, their brain would be trying to cope with this sudden wave of abnormality. There is no edge to the screen when wearing an Oculus rift. So you would be completely immersed into this, gods eye view.

I think this experiment experiment would further ones understanding as to who and what they are. They would realize that, that body out in the distance is not who they are, but is just something they control. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

How do computers compute information?

How do computers compute information? This is a question i have been pursuing for nearly 5 years now. Now before you "computer scientists" begin to attempt to answer my question, first fully understand my question. 

Because i have asked this question to so many people, computer scientists, computer engineers, computer architects, and they have never been able to answer this question. It is somewhat frustrating that i ask this question to people who are suppose to be "experts" in their field. To people who spend most of their life working with and programming computers, yet at the same time, at the very core, have no idea how these machines actually work. The only people that have ever gotten close, or have enlightened me further in my search for the answer, are physicists. Which at first comes as a surprise, but then i think back, and realize, that the very person who invented the transistor, was a physicist. 

So what do i mean when i say, "how do computers compute information"? I literally mean, how does a group of transistors, do math, make programs, do the amazing things that i constantly see on my screen, such as play video, make games, and run simulations. ESPECIALLY, run can full of parts with electricity running through it, simulate reality, simulate physical phenomena, recreate the real world. Seriously! imagine it, a box, full of parts, is literally able to recreate, what you feel, what you see, and what you hear. Its...awe think that with mere material, and electricity, i can make a universe.

So i should probably discuss or clarify about this vague word called "Computation". 
When trying to understand how computers compute information, i first turned to others forms of computation i understood, such as protein synthesis. And then compare that form to the form i was trying to understand.

Just by watching the animation, you can instantly understand, I understand. how protein synthesis computes information. When I say I understand this, that means I can actually imagine building nearly any structure with this form of computation.

If I wanted to make a square, or a triangle, or a skyscraper. I know specifically how I can code this to do those things, and you do to.

I want to understand how transistor based computers compute information at this very fundamental, physical level.

I have yet to find a person who knows this, or who can explain this, to me.

Maybe you can help me?

I got this animation from a Ted talk, spoken by a professor at MIT named Neil Gershenfeld. 

This ted talk really enlightened my view as to what computation really is, and problems regarding the understanding of computation.

There is one thing Neil says in this video that really interests me. 
He said, "Computer science is one of the worse things that ever happened to either computers or to science".

Friday, May 2, 2014

I could care less about the life on this planet.

From a complete rational perspective, I could careless about life on this planet.

At the moment i support advancement of renewable energy sources such as wind power and solar power.

At the moment I support Anti-deforestation.

But as soon as we are able to harness the power of a practically unlimited energy source such as fusion power, or highly efficient solar panels. I could careless about the well being of the other organisms of this planet.

When we reach this point in human advancement, I will gladly support demolishing forests thus causing mass extinction of multiple species to make room for more cities.

To combat the oxygen problem, simply build large bio-reactors that could pump out far more oxygen than any tree ever could.

If your worried about food such as meat, simply grow the meat with stem cells In large incubators. Giving us the ability to produce meat far faster than doing it "naturally".

I advocate rational exploitation of everything.

This is a test of your rationality.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Automation of labor will free us

Everytime in the morning when I go to school (Anderson high school) i see the janitors hard at work.
Every single time I see them it hurts a little inside. It's hurts because I know they are worth more than that. It hurts because I know that their life from this point on will likely only further degrade.
It hurts because I know deep down inside no matter how much they try not to show it, they deeply wish they were in a better situation than they are now.

I hate seeing a potentially useful human brain be wasted on monotonous work such as janitor, lunch lady, or even cashier.

These jobs could be easily taken over by automated systems, the school would save money in the long run, and these automated systems likely could do the jobs faster and far much more effectively than humans could.

The problem is, those same people would no longer have a job, which means they would no longer have a source of income, which means they likely could not feed their families.

The thing is, this is only the case if individual jobs are automated. If ALL jobs were automated, this would no longer be a problem. Why? Since everything is automated, everything would be far much cheaper. Everything would be far much more efficient. Imagine, these large government owned farms completely automated, no humans interacting with the system for months at a time. A large greenhouse like dome covers the entire landmass. Allowing the machines to produce food all throughout the year, no matter the weather.

Imagine, a world where labor is no longer required to survive. A world where the need to feed yourself and your family does not require you to work. A world where food has become so cheap, that it is worth as much as clean water.
Imagine a world where you do things, not because you need to, but because you want to.

Most people fear that their jobs will be taken over by automated systems.
I would argue that there is nothing to fear, I would argue that taking away the need to enforce labor on others to accomplish a task is going to free humanity.

I think people are scared of this because they have never known a world where there is no need for work.

This world that I describe is In our grasp, we have the technology to do this, 
we simply need to fully accept it.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Heavier things do fall faster

Heavier=more massive
More mass=stronger gravitational pull
Stronger gravitational pull=faster acceleration 

Jupiters mass > earths mass
Jupiters gravitational pull > earths gravitational pull
Jupiters acceleration > earths acceleration

Then why do things seem to fall at the same rate? 
Because gravity is a very weak force, as in, it takes a lot to see a change.

The earth is MUCH bigger than the moon.
Yet when our austronauts walked on its surface, the difference in gravitational pull was almost unnoticeable.

If you can barely see a difference between the earth and the moon, what makes you think that you would see a difference between a tennis ball and a bowling ball?
The experiment Is inherently flawed.

Imagine if one dropped a black hole instead of a bowling ball? 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Emotions do not make us "human"

Emotions are instincts, instincts are quite literally, connections between neurons that were either fabricated in the womb, during infancy, or would develop during childhood, not based off environment, but instead, genetics. 

Contrary to popular thought, emotions, or rather, instincts, are not "human". 
The other organisms of this world that we call "animal" do in fact have emotions. 

Hence the bunny feels fear when the fox chases it. 

 Another thing, emotions are irrational, for instance, when you feel fear. Adrenaline is released, your heart rate increases, and you are more prone to making less thought out decisions. At no point during that process, did you have any control. 

You did not tell your body, "hey! Release X amount of adrenaline right now!".

Now, irrationality does not = bad. If you really want to get philosophical, there is no such thing as good, or bad.

For instance, the bunny when in the presence of a hungry fox. does not have the mental capacity, nor the time. To think out what a fox is? why is it chasing it? Or even attempt to comprehend the concept of hunger.

In this situation, irrationality, is quite useful, evolution does all the work, and fabricates the needed neural networks for you, and also sets the stimuli that will activate these instincts. 

The problem is, instincts were made to deal with, for the most part, static environments, environments that would not change for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Humans on the other hand, change the environment constantly, from an evolutionary perspective, very rapidly. Far faster than any species can genetically evolve to keep up with. Hence the reason why most are going extinct when in the presence of humans.

From this perspective, we can start to see how our irrational emotions, would not work well in our human made environments. 
Especially seeing how we have no natural predators, and that how most problems we come across, require intense thought/mental processing. You can start to see how our once vital irrational instincts, have now become detrimental. Which means the rational thing to do, would be to get rid of our emotions, or at least replace them with new ones, that would work better with our environment. 

Emotions such as fear, jealousy, and anger, are no longer needed, and are some of the emotions we would benefit from the most when removed. 

Though some would argue, that emotions make us "human", we'll as I stated before, we are not the only species with emotions.  
Also, if there was anything that would be an indicator of us being "human". It would be our rationality, it would be the fact that unlike any other species on this planet. Humans are the only ones that make cities, technological advancements, and wonder about our existence/place in the universe.

                        Recently found a video that provides further information to back up my argument.